Imagine having straighter teeth – without needing to get braces. ClearCorrect™ treatment includes a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth as you wear them. Call Coast Dental Grand Bay Plaza today to find out if ClearCorrect™ can give you a smile you love.
ClearCorrect aligners are practically invisible, so most people won’t even know you are wearing them. They’re custom-made so they fit you perfectly and are more comfortable than traditional braces. Plus, they’re removable, so you can eat whatever you like and clean your teeth normally.
How ClearCorrect Works
We invite you to call Coast Dental Grand Bay Plaza today to schedule a free ClearCorrect consultation. Our ClearCorrect provider will evaluate your smile and discuss the problems you’re having with your bite and how you would like your smile to look after treatment. Once it’s determined that ClearCorrect is right for you, our team will take photos, x-rays, and impressions of your teeth to create the customized aligners.
You wear each set of aligners for three weeks, typically for about 22 hours each day. You remove the aligners only to eat, brush, and floss. Each set of aligners applies gently pressure to your teeth to move them into alignment. How many sets of aligners you have depends on how much your teeth need to move in order to create proper alignment.
These before and after photos represent some common types of bite problems that were treated with ClearCorrect therapy. Images are courtesy of ClearCorrect™.
ClearCorrect Costs
The cost of your ClearCorrect treatment typically depends on three factors: the length of treatment, the number of clear aligners needed, and whether you have dental insurance benefits that cover ClearCorrect. During your free orthodontic consultation, we will answer all of the questions you have, including questions about financing and any special offers that may be available to you. Many of our patients in Fort Myers prefer to have low monthly payments instead of paying for the entire cost of ClearCorrect treatment at one time. We will be happy to discuss how you can fit the cost of orthodontic treatment into your family budget.
Call Coast Dental Grand Bay Plaza today at (239) 482-2296 to schedule your ClearCorrect consultation. We look forward to helping you have a beautiful, straight smile.